Authorities Uncover Shocking Child Abuse Case in Deming

DEMING – New Mexico State Police have uncovered a disturbing case of child abuse involving seven children found living in deplorable conditions on a remote property in Luna County.

Investigators responded to reports of criminal sexual acts involving a minor at 225 Opatah Road, a 35-acre site described as resembling a “transient landfill.”

Officers discovered the children, ranging in age from six months to 16 years old, dirty and unbathed. The children told authorities they were forced to sleep underground in what they called “caves,” holes dug about four to five feet deep.

State police reported that buckets of human waste were scattered across the property, and the children endured harsh conditions year-round.

Investigators say they were also punished by being deprived of food for days at a time. Melvin and Valerie Cordell met officers at the scene and led them to the underground sleeping area.

Melvin Cordell, identified as the parent, has been charged with 2 counts of criminal sexual penetration of a child under the age of 16, 1 count of criminal sexual contact of a minor, 16 counts of child abuse and one count of conspiracy to commit child abuse.

Valerie Cordell, identified as the parent, has been charged with 16 counts of child abuse and one count of conspiracy to commit child abuse.

Both Cordells are now in the Luna County Detention Center, held without bond on felony charges.

State police continue to investigate, and child welfare authorities are working to ensure the safety of the children.

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